All data from 3 mobile operators and all bigest ISPs web-sites. (Data compared with 2014 4Q )։
General data:
- Broadband subscriptions: 261 784 (+15 395)
- Mobile broadband subscriptions: 231 698 (- 25 912)
- Mobile phone internet users: 1 661 946 (+39 229)
Data by operators and ISPs:
- Broadband subscriptions - 141 837 (data from 2016 1Q) (-8 519) (Average internet consumption per subscription: 47 109 MB (+ 14 447 MB) )
- mobile broadband user 42 644 (- 1484 ) (Average internet consumption per subscription: 9 527 MB (+1 429 MB))
- mobile users using internet from phone 337 895 (+22 957) (Average internet consumption per subscription: 309 MB (+101 MB) )
Vivacell -
- mobile broadband users 68 231 (data from 2016 1Q) (- 14 526)
(Average internet consumption per subscription: 16 285 MB (data from 2016 1Q) (+6 562 MB) )
- mobile users using internet from phone 1 059 078 (+6 680)
Ucom (Former Orange)
- Broadband subscriptions - 79 853 (data from 2016 2Q and compered with 1Q) (+12 352) (Average internet consumption per subscription: 59 828 MB (+508 MB) )
- mobile broadband user 120 823 (-9902) (Average internet consumption per subscription: 16 999 MB (+1 818 MB) )
- mobile users using internet from phone 264 973 (+9592 )
- Broadband subscriptions - 35 144 (data from 2016 1Q) (+8 936) (Average internet consumption per subscription: 73 471 MB (+ 7 356 MB))
- Broadband subscriptions - 5 126 (data from 2016 1Q) (+1279)
- Broadband subscriptions - 1 185 (data from 2016 1Q)
- Broadband subscriptions - 538 (+162) (data from 2016 1Q) (Average internet consumption per subscription: 27 475 21 563 MB (-5 912 MB) )